A great many anglophones register as self-employed entreprises individuelles (EI) when they move to France. Most start as micro-entrepreneurs, sometimes moving to the régime réel depending on turnover and ongoing business costs. Either way, we can help with any or all of your accounting, tax and administrative obligations,  from your business creation to keeping your accounts, to filing your personal and business tax returns.


For MICRO ENTREPRENEURS we can help with:

  • REGISTRATION – as a self-employed person & obtaining a SIRET number
  • INVOICING – adhering to the many rules of French facturation
  • BOOK-KEEPING – Keeping your livre des recettes & régistre des achats 
  • TVA DECLARATIONS – for those over the threshold
  • PROFESSIONAL TAX (CFE) – including applications for exemption
  • MODIFICATIONS – such as changing your APE or moving to the régime réel


For ENTREPRISES INDIVIDUELLES on the RÉGIME RÉEL, we can also help with

  • BOOK-KEEPING – maintaining your Journaux & Grand Livre
  • TVA DECLARATIONS – filing monthly or quarterly declarations for TVA
  • ANNUAL ACCOUNTS – producing your bilan (balance sheet) & compte de résultat (income statement)
  • BUSINESS TAX RETURNS – calculating your résultat fiscale & completing your annual liaisse fiscale
  • DSI DECLARATIONS – for URSSAF to calculate your social security cotisations


This list is not exhaustive, so please contact us to see how we could help.


(In addition to accounts assistance, Arcpod can also help self-employed anglophones to access paid French lessons using their professional training budget (see about and contact us to find out more.)